A Study Maintenance and Production Problems in Two of Cement Factories in Libya by Using TPM

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Mustafa Mohamed Graisa


The principle of this paper is to investigate
maintenance and production problems in the cement factory
in Libya with particular emphasis on Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM). The paper presents the use of case
study approach of production data and history, field visits.
There is no clear TPM strategy and it has been also found
that the lack of training and personal development is the
main cause of this problem. In addition, employees are
found not to be motivated as a result of the lack of poor
management strategy and reward structure. Based on the
findings, a new framework for TPM has been developed.
This TPM strategy could be implemented in other Libyan
factories as a result of the potential similarities in the
cultural and environmental aspects. The comparative
analysis is developed into a model for international strategy
design and implementation. The paper highlights limitation
is the cement factories in Libya in relation to TPM and
production strategies. The importance of adopting a
realistic strategy and framework by managers is discussed.
This work is developed as collaboration between Academia
and Libyan Cement industry for solving productivity
problems and develop a strategic framework of TPM for
improving the Libyan industry.

Article Details

How to Cite
Mustafa Mohamed Graisa. (2024). A Study Maintenance and Production Problems in Two of Cement Factories in Libya by Using TPM. The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT), 1(2). https://doi.org/10.36602/ijeit.v1i2.417


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