Turbulent Channel Flow Simulation Using LES Dynamic Model

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Hazm Omran


Turbulent flow modelling has increasingly become
one of the main scientific research occupations, seeking to
develop a universal modelling approach that can describe
accurately the dynamics of all turbulent flow scales. Modern
attempts try to bring together two main objectives; the
applicability of the turbulent flow models to complex flow
configurations of industrial interest as well as reducing the
computational costs needed for their resolution. Large Eddy
Simulation (LES) modelling approach has many promising
features among all other turbulent flow modelling
approaches such as RANS or DNS. In this study, LES
modelling approach has been demonstrated and applied to
turbulent channel flow at moderate Reynolds number
using Fluent solver. The obtained turbulent flow
statistics were compared to their corresponding values of a
detailed, well resolved DNS simulation. The obtained LES
turbulent flow statistics have an acceptable trend to those of
the reference DNS results, which reflects the validity of the
LES approach to model turbulent flows accurately and
encourages its use in predicting turbulent motion for
industrial and engineering applications.

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How to Cite
Hazm Omran, & Ali EL SHRIF. (2024). Turbulent Channel Flow Simulation Using LES Dynamic Model . The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT), 5(1). https://doi.org/10.36602/ijeit.v5i1.346


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