The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles every 6 months.The aim of IJEIT is to provide information that enhances performance of engineering , computer engineering and technology science and strengthening the crooks to make smarter decisions, provide better care and from time to time make innovative discoveries that enhance the limitation associated with knowledge of advancement. more


مجلد 12 عدد 1 (2024): December

منشور: 2024-10-03

دراسة ومقارنة الأشكال الموجية (OFDM وf-OFDM وFBMC) لشبكات الجيل الخامس وما بعده

محمد إمحمد محمد عبدالرحيم، سالم علي سالم القوي، عبداللطيف جمعة علي الصغير، محمد مختار علي الجهيمي


معاينة جميع الأعداد