Dynamic of Distributed Parameter Systems; From Infinite to Finite Systems

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Ahmed Baaiu
Ismail Albatrookh


This work focuses on describing the dynamic
behavior of distributed parameter systems by means of
spatial discretization. In control and system theory
literature, distributed parameter systems are simply the
systems that are represented mathematically by partial
differential equations. Thus, the key notion of this work is
representing the dynamic behavior of distributed parameter
systems by means of spatial discretization of the dynamics of
the system. Spatial discretization, or lumping, aims to
transform a partial differential equation to a set of ordinary
differential equations. The proposed concept approximates
the dynamic behavior of the physical system by lumping it
to small tranches and then using the finite differences
method to interconnect formally these lumps and simulates
the dynamic of the overall system.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
Baaiu, A., & Albatrookh, I. (2016). Dynamic of Distributed Parameter Systems; From Infinite to Finite Systems . The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT), 2(2). استرجع في من https://ijeit.misuratau.edu.ly/index.php/ijeit/article/view/260


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