Applying High-Temperature SuperconducTechnologies into Power Systems
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implementing of distribution and transmission
power systems for urban areas and for future renewable
energy to meet future demand is a challenging task when
conventional cables and transformers are considered.
Therefore, there are several methods, that have applied in
conational power systems to reduce power losses, voltage
regulator issues , capital cost of whole system and increasing
power delivering in urban areas and from offshore farms
,such as carefully sited and operated distributed generation
(DG) and distributed control techniques. However, these
techniques may raise others challenges in networks such as
stability, voltage regulators issues and increasing capital cost
of networks. Since High Temperature Superconductor
(HTS) cables exhibit zero resistance when cooled to the
boiling point of liquid nitrogen (77Keliven), they have the
potential to be used to address these issues in distribution
and transmission networks. Consequently, this paper
reviews super-conductor power systems: the work
previously achieved in the DC and AC superconductor
power systems and describes the materials and methods
which they used. In addition, it shows how the
superconductor technologies can address these issues when
they are used for distribution and transmission powe r
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