Effect of Pre-Weld Sand Blasting on Residual Stress Distribution in Ship Steel Using Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Technique
Main Article Content
This paper aims at investigating the effect of preweld
sandblasting on residual stresses distribution in ship
steel plates using magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN)
technique. The measurements have been conducted along a
line crossing the weld as a function of distance from the
weld bead at the back of the plate. Four tests have been
performed in the experiment in four conditions. The asreceived,
sand blasted, as received-welded and the sand
blasted–welded plates are tested. The as-received plate
shows a statistically constant Barkhausen noise level
indicative of the specimen processing history. The sand
blasted plate shows a similar Barkhausen noise behavior but
of lower intensity. The welded specimen shows a pattern of
the Barkhausen response characteristic of the heat affected
zone (HAZ) as a result of residual stresses redistribution.
The sand blasted-welded specimen shows also a similar
pattern but of lower intensity. The difference in the induced
signals is attributed to the impedance and accumulation of
residual compressive stresses due to sandblasting. The result
indicates that the resultant residual tensile stresses at the
heat affected zone could be reduced by using pre-weld
sandblasting process.
Article Details
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