Experimental and Numerical Simulation for Bulk Nanostructure of AL-6082 Alloy Material Produced by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP)

Main Article Content

Muamar Benisa
Bashir Younise
Hitem Aswihli


Equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) is a
severe plastic deformation (SPD) method, which used to
produce ultra fine-grained (UFG) material . The
conventional way to develop press-formed metallic
components requires a burden some trial-and-error process
for setting-up the technology, whose success depends largely
on the operator’s skill and experience [6,7]. The finite
element (FE) simulations of ECAP process help the
manufacturing engineer to design a forming process by
shifting the costly press-shop try-outs to the computer-aided
design environment. Numerical simulations of a
manufacturing process, such as ECAP, have been
introduced, in order to avoid the trial-and-error procedure
and to shorten the development phases when tight time-tomarket

is demanded. The main aim of the investigation
presented in this paper is to develop a numerical model that
would be able to successfully simulate the ECAP pressing.
The finite-element method was used for die and billetbehavior

predictions during the process. The as-received
alloy used in this study was the 6082 commercial Al-Mg-Si
alloy. High strength and high ductility phenomenon which
recently was found in materials after ECAP were reached
with the route C technique up to eight passes with a high
length to diameter ratio i.e. 15-16. The induced anisotropy
of specimens after ECAP was monitored.

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How to Cite
Benisa, M., Younise, B., & Aswihli , H. (2024). Experimental and Numerical Simulation for Bulk Nanostructure of AL-6082 Alloy Material Produced by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) . The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT), 6(1). https://doi.org/10.36602/ijeit.v6i1.294


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