Web Information Gathering, Which Subtask to Investigate? A User Study
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his paper is an attempt to re-identify the
subtasks of the task of information gathering on the web
which require further research. The study confirms the
types of subtasks that need further consideration yet with
different ordering of significance from what users indicated
in a previous study. The different ordering was concluded
based on the frequency of activities performed within each
subtask. The study in Alhenshiri , et al. [1] recommended
that web users performing information gathering tasks
should be able to: re-find information from previous
sessions for the same task more effectively, should also
handle multiple sessions more effectively, and they should
be able to manage and organize information for the entire
task not dispersed parts of it. The research discussed in this
manuscript revisits those recommendations in a user study
comparing a tool designed specifically for information
gathering tasks on the web and the plain browser while used
with other assisting applications.
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