Bending of Sheet Metal (st37) Using 90 Degree to Estimate Blank Dimensions

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M. EM. Abid


Several factors must be considered when
designing parts that are being made by bending. The
primary factor is minimum radius and angle of bending that
can be bent successfully without metal cracking. Low
carbon steel metal (st37), manufactured by Libyan Iron and
steel Company, was used in this study. Various bending
processes by Vee die for different radii and calculate
thickness were conducted and bending zones were tested to
find the mean radius and calculate the bending allowance.
These calculations depend upon the inner bend radius and
thickness of the sheet metal. The thickness was reduced and
the neutral axis were moved up in the direction of
compression side. Form the values of reduction in thickness
and different radii of bending a chart was drawn. Another
chart was drawn to minimums the process of trial and error
for estimating the blank length of the bending sheet metal.
Form these charts, the initial blank sizes can be determined,
so that products can bend without loss and crack in the
material. As a result time and material can be saved. The
results of the present study can have practical applications
for this material (st37) which is in common use by the
Libyan industry.

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How to Cite
M. EM. Abid. (2024). Bending of Sheet Metal (st37) Using 90 Degree to Estimate Blank Dimensions . The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT), 2(2).


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