Effects of Outdoor Conditions on the Compound Parabolic Concentrator Performance

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Khaled E. Albahloul


In this study, the effect of outdoor conditions
(wind velocity and ambient temperature) on the thermal
efficiency of a non-evacuated Compound Parabolic
Concentrator solar collector (CPC) was investigated for
two different flow rates. Matlab program was built, and
simulation results for different outdoor conditions were
compared with an actual outdoor data set that was taken
at Misurata city, Libya. Although this study showed some
effects of outdoor conditions on the CPC collector
component’s temperatures and heat losses, no important
influence on the collector efficiency was noticed.
Therefore, even though wind velocity and ambient
temperature vary throughout the day, approximating
them as constant values is a reasonable assumption. Mass
flow rate is the most important parameter that affects the
CPC efficiency.

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How to Cite
Khaled E. Albahloul. (2024). Effects of Outdoor Conditions on the Compound Parabolic Concentrator Performance. The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT), 4(2). https://doi.org/10.36602/ijeit.v4i2.323


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