Monitoring and Quantifying Burn Wounds on Pig Skin using Thermal Measurements
Main Article Content
A new thermal method for detecting burn
severity or monitoring burn wound healing is presented.
The thermal measurement method avoids the need for
introducing any substance or radiation to monitor blood
perfusion or detect the depth of burnt tissue. The method of
predicting and monitoring burns was tested experimentally
by implementing four different burn severities on two pigs
and monitoring the burns over five days. Averaged
estimated thermal resistance and blood perfusion values
were used to detect burn depth from thermal
measurements. A damage function was introduced to
illustrate those burns which cause third degree burns. The
20 and 75-second burns were quantified as third degree
burns. The laboratory measured non-perfused layers
calibrates very well with the estimated burn depth from the
perfusion-thermal resistance probe. This paper has
demonstrated the ability of perfusion-thermal resistance
probe to characterize burn severity
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